Business Consulting Group
About Us
Robert SalingRobert Saling
Executive Director, Business Consulting Group

Customers enjoy working with Robert as he brings a down-to-earth and practical problem solving approach to the unique challenges that businesses face each day. His top-notch communication style and superb people skills foster successful client relationships at every business level. Robert is well known for his ability to quickly streamline complex issues and design customized solutions that develop sustainable business and professional success.

Robert's Experience
Robert Saling brings 25 years of business and sales management success to the Business Consulting Group. He has spent more than half of his career in business development and national sales for Fortune 50 Company, Hewlett Packard, while becoming an expert in building sales teams that create results.

In 1998, Robert launched his career into further success when he became the co-owner of
Pepperweed Consulting, LLC. The company quickly emerged as one of Inc. 500’s fastest growing companies and one of the world’s largest providers of Enterprise Management Solutions. Robert’s business development skills are credited as the catalyst for the company’s meteoric growth. He is widely respected among his peers as a leader who knows how to create a business with a quality reputation, low employee turnover, high morale and excellent profitability.

Robert understands the complexities of growing and guiding a successful business. He is experienced in executive management, business development, operations, planning, human resources and other operational functions within a growing company. In addition to his BS in engineering, Robert has advanced his personal education through leadership development and management training programs, communication and public speaking classes and instruction in human relations.
Management Consulting
Corporate Development
Business Assessment
Business Consulting
Customized Training
Individual Mentoring
Business Coaching
Sales Leadership
Contact Us
phone: 317-418-8655
fax: 317-884-0772
1712 Delaney Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46217
phone: 317-884-0771 | fax: 317-884-0772
burkhartcain associates